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General Assessment About Current Issues


Hello everyone,

This is the final post about Current Issues course. First of all, I would like to start stating that this course was absolutely useful for me. In the beginning we were lectured about theoretical background of 21th century learning. And then we started to create material accordingly this. One of the strength aspect of the course is that it was a practical course. But we did not have access to computers in the university. This might be the weakness of the course. Making text for the material was easy for me but preparing design on Canva was a little bit difficult. My favourite task was AR/VR Integrated Teaching Materials, because in doing it I found a chance to be creative. On the other hand, AI-integrated Teaching Material was my least favourite task since I was not able to make an interesting material.

I am very glad to take this course. Thanks to this course I have learned to create material, not only for English teaching but also about everything. For example, If I want to make a content for my sport page on Instagram, now I know how to do it because of this course. My recommendation to students who take this lesson next year is that they should pay attention to project. Because the more important you give a project the more yield from it.



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