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Showing posts from January, 2023

About Our Digital Storytelling Task

  Hello everybody! Today, I will tell you about the digital story telling work that we did as the last task in the education technologies lesson. Our teacher gave us three options: Public Service Announcement, fictional story and How-To. I, Hasan Şendil and Erhan Anlar chose the PSA and created a video about abandoned animals. We used the canva program to create the video. Canva is a very useful and easy app. I used the same program for the poster preparation task. As for the task: First we created a text, then we prepared the video. Finally, three friends vocalise the video. In this process, we encountered a problem that limited us. The texts were moving fast in the video, so it would be difficult for him to voice over. We overcame this problem when we reduced the streaming speed of the video. I think it would be beneficial to give students a task such as preparing a digital story in the classroom. Because students can improve their writing, listening and pronunciation skills wi

A General Evaluation of Educational Technologies

 Hello everybody! The end of the semester has come and I am here with a general review article about the educational technologies course in this post. First of all, I must say that I did not know much about educational technologies before taking this course. I had never produced a podcast or a digital video before. I didn't even have a blog! I think this course is very useful as it is a great experience for me. In addition, as a foreign language teacher candidate, what I learned in this course will be very useful for me. Because technology is developing day by day and I will be teaching a generation that grows completely intertwined with this technology. Therefore, it is neither possible nor appropriate for me to teach them anything with traditional methods. Among the tasks we prepared, I liked preparing podcasts the most. Because creating a text and voicing it was both fun and provided the opportunity to improve my pronunciation by listening to my own voice. My least favorite thin

Poster Project

Our task this week in the educational technologies class was to prepare a digital poster. Our options were to make a fictional movie poster or create a magazine cover. I chose the latter. I used Canva to make the poster. It was a little difficult at first, but when I understood how it worked, I could easily do it. I designed an imaginary fitness magazine cover and used my own photo :) The link of the tool is here: In the future, I think it would be beneficial to assign such a task to my students. In this way, students can develop both their English and their creativity. Here is my imaginary magazine cover :)