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Showing posts from November, 2022

My Movie Review of Interstellar

  We were asked to make a movie analysis by creating a wiki page for a task given to us in the educational technologies course. This was supposed to be a two-person team effort. I did this assignment with Eray Sezer, you can find his blog here . First, we decided which movie we would review. After deciding on the movie, we watched the movie separately. Then we divided the tasks. I wrote part of the review and Eray wrote the other part. Finally, we checked each other's writing, shared our ideas, and completed the task by making final corrections. I find creating a wiki page as a team effort is both fun and beneficial. First of all, since being able to keep up with teamwork is a very important quality, this task was extremely useful in terms of developing this feature. Second, doing a writing task with someone requires being open to criticism, which is a must-have for a prospective teacher. You can check out the review here .  Thanks for reading, take care!!                          

About This Blog

 Hello everyone! This blog will be about 21st century learning techniques and its connection with foreign language. Here I will try to provide you with useful information on this subject. If you are interested in this subject, I definitely recommend you not to miss this blog;)

21st Century Learning and English Teaching.

Learning in the 21st century differs from traditional learning. The teacher is at the center of traditional learning. The teacher is like an omniscient authority. He transfers what he knows to his students and students are responsible for memorizing this information. However, in the 21st century, the student is at the center of education. Innovative thinking, lifelong learning, and rapid access to information are key concepts in 21st century education. Here the teacher is like a guide. Instead of giving direct information to students, it tries to give them the above qualifications. It teaches a kind of learning. The students who learn to learn will easily acquire the qualifications necessary for them. We now live in a digital age and children start using technology from a very young age. Social media tools such as Youtube and Instagram are to them what radio and television are to the older generation. Through these tools, they are introduced to foreign languages ​​at a very young age.